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Movement, Contact and Performance Program
On Thursday morning in the studio of Tana,

Ein Shemer 2017-2018

Chapter 1 in the autumn months October-December, about 11 weeks. Later in the year there will be chapters two and three, which will continue until the end of June.
You can take one lesson, two lessons or the full program of the three lessons in a row.


8: 00-9: 30

Movement skills of the human body
A class that improves mobility, challenging the skeletal motion ranges, which provides skills of stability and work from the center of the body. Flexibility, elongation, communication between different organs and movement of various qualities expressed in the body by the use of images and senses.

9: 45-11: 45

Contact Improvisation
to let the body weight fall to the floor, to pamper, to leak, to roll the joints, to break away from unnecessary stress, to build on an effective skeleton structure, to touch in an open quality, to be available to a variety of possibilities of movement . working properly with our skeleton as well as support from the ground.

12: 00-14: 00

Movement improvisation and performance.
The language of improvisation as a language of human expression, the extension of our response to the action of the other, listening to the senses. Experience the outdoors and the interior - instant composition of art in time.
Designed for those who want to work with the body as an expression of creativity.
We will learn by practice  performance.

October: 19 \ 26
November: 2 \ 9 \ 16 \ 23 \ 30
December: 7/14/1421
Cost for the entire program: 8: 00-14: 00: 1510 nis
For those registering at the open class on 31.08 or until this date, 100 NIS will be deducted.

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